Thursday, December 12, 2013

Interfaith Call-in Day to Prevent Gun Violence

December 14th is the one-year anniversary of the tragedy in Newtown.  Since then, federal lawmakers have failed to make any progress toward curbing the scourge of gun violence in this nation.  We call on our leaders and say:

Enough pain. Enough despair. Enough injustice. Enough inaction.

In an invitation to Presbyterians to lift voices and take action, PC(USA) Director for Public Witness, the Reverend Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, said, "It is imperative that we pass common sense gun legislation to avoid more mass killings through gun violence in the United States. We must also be cognizant of the alarming numbers of persons killed on our streets by handguns each year. Our faith reminds us that the moral imperative to save lives supersedes our selfish need for false allusions of power witnessed by our over zealous desire to possess guns. The way of faith suggests that 'perfect love cast out fear.'" (I John 4:18)

Call now at 1-855-438-2982

When you call, tell your Senators:

  • 11,000 more Americans have been murdered with guns since the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary.
  • The majority of Americans support gun violence prevention measures and wish the Senate had passed the background check bill this year.
  • In memory of the children of Sandy Hook and the thousands of people killed by guns each year, support the bipartisan Manchin-Toomey background check compromise. It is a step in the right direction.

Let them know that you are calling as part of Faiths Calling to Prevent Gun Violence.

In light of the one-year anniversary of the Sandy Hook tragedy, and in memory of the thousands of Americans killed by gun violence in our country every year, we can and must transform our grief into action.  Already, we have come together several times with our interfaith partners to tell our lawmakers that we support common sense measures to prevent gun violence in this country, but it is time to unite our voices once again. We must let Congress know that we will continue to sound the moral drumbeat until there is action.

Add your voice to the chorus of partners from diverse backgrounds and traditions that have spoken out to end gun violence. On December 13th, call your Senators and tell them that we are committed to changing the culture of violence that pervades our society and to stopping the rampant gun violence problem plaguing our communities.

call: 1-855-438-2982

Text “FaithsCalling” to 877-877 for a reminder message