We are very excited
about our upcoming Advocacy Training Weekend, when we will welcome over 200
Presbyterians to Washington, DC, for two events, starting this Friday, April 5th,
and continuing through Monday, April 8th.
On Friday
morning, the Presbyterian pre-event to Ecumenical Advocacy Days, Compassion,Peace and Justice Training Day will kick off with J. Herbert Nelson preaching,
followed by an exciting panel discussion, luncheon, and 18 different
workshops! The Program Booklet and the
Schedule (also included in the Program Booklet) are now available.
CPJ Day Program Booklet (24-page PDF)
CPJ Day Schedule (2-page PDF)
Please don’t
feel the need to print it out if you are registered for the event; at
registration, you will receive a packet including the Program Booklet. We will
be accepting walk-in registrations on Friday, so if you’re in town, but forgot
to register, come on over.
We will
begin with Opening Worship in the Main Sanctuary of New York Avenue
Presbyterian Church at 8:30am, this Friday, April 5th, so please come in good
time to register, greet old friends, and have a cup of coffee and a muffin.
Friday night, we will move onto Ecumenical Advocacy Days, where 750 Christians,
200 of them Presbyterian, will gather for worship, food justice education, fellowship,
networking, and advocacy and organizing training. The PC(USA) joins with over
50 other Christian denominations and agencies to sponsor this event and we are
proud of this visible witness of the Ecumenical Community.
We are
looking forward to seeing you here this weekend!