January is
Human Trafficking and Sex Slavery Awareness Month. Participate today in raising
Human Trafficking Awareness!
Congress to support and pass H.R. 1732, Strengthening
the Child Welfare Response to Trafficking Act to improve the proper identification of and services to child
trafficking victims.
About the
This critical
piece of federal legislation works to ensure that child victims of human
trafficking are properly identified by state child welfare agencies and receive
the comprehensive services they need to recover. H.R. 1732 amends the Social
Security Act to require state foster care programs, which receive federal funds
under the Social Security Act, to report on current and future efforts to
address the human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation of children in
their care. It also mandates data collection on the issue of human trafficking.
the bill requires the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to develop
and publish: (1) best practices for training child welfare employees and court
employees on identifying all forms of child trafficking; (2) recommendations
for how state welfare agencies can prevent human trafficking; and (3) licensing
guidelines for residential facilities with regard to child trafficking victims.
What does
the PC(USA) say about trafficking?
The 218th
General Assembly (2008) directed the Office of Public Witness in Washington, DC,
b) partner with ecumenical and interfaith entities to build coalitions against trafficking and participate in activities such as the National Day of Human Trafficking Awareness (January 11) and the Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking (UN).
November 2013, the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board approved a request
presented by the Office of Public Witness to affiliate with the Alliance to End
Slavery and Trafficking (ATTEST) in an effort to expand the work and
partnership of the denomination on issues related to Human Trafficking. ATTEST
represents one of the largest coalition of Human Rights organizations working
on issues related to the eradication of human (sex) and labor trafficking.
We thank one of our newest partners ATTEST for collaborating with us on this action alert.